
Friday, January 18, 2013

October 16, 1755 - Acadian Deportation Has Begun

Our Ancestors would not celebrate another Christmas in their homeland of Acadie.  

October 16, 1755 
The Pennsylvania Gazette BOSTON, October 6.

By letters from the Camp before Fort Cumberland, in Nova Scotia, of the 8th ult. we have Advice, That on the 27th of August, Major Fry, with several Officers and 200 Men, embark on board the Sloop York, Capt. Cobb, and the Schooner Warren, Captain Adams; and the same Evening, landed at Chipoudie, a Village about 8 Leagues up the River, having Instructions to bring off all the Inhabitants and set Fire to the Houses.--- That upon their first landing they marched with an advance and two flank Guards to the Village, but found all the Inhabitants were fled except 25 Women and Children, who were taken Prisoners. The next Morning they set Fire to the Buildings and burnt down 18 Houses and Barns, with all the Hay, Grain, &c. therein.--- After this they proceeded to the Mass house, which, with what was therein, was burnt to Ashes; --- then putting the Prisoners on board one of the Transports which lay ready for that Purpose, they embark again, and the next Morning two of the Officers with 62 Men, were ordered to proceed to Pitcoudiack; and having landed within Sight of the ArmVessels, they found the Houses entirely evacuated; and by the first of September, they laid the Buildings in Ashes, for fifteen Miles in Length on the northerly Side of the River; and about 6 on the other Side; and when they came in Sight of a Mass House, they discoverFoot Tracks lately made, and soon after perceived a Smoak; the Mass House being cloase to a thick Wood, they posted proper Guards, and as they were preparing to fire the House, a Signal Gun was fired by the Enemy;and before the Guards, and the few Men with them, could repair to the main Body, they found themselves almost surrounded by them; upon which they were obliged to rush thro' them as well as they could, firing their pieces, and receiving their Fire; and while thus retreating, the Indians gained Ground, shot lieut. March, and took and wounded some others. But a Serjeant with 6 Men coming from a Cops of Wood, stop their Pursuit, so that the rest of our Men gainthe Dyke and secured their Retreat. --- At this Time it was impossible for Major Fry to come to their Assistance, on Account of the Rapidity of the River, being driven by the Current 3 Quarters of a Mile below the intended Landing Place; but landing thee rest of his Men as soon as he possibly could, drew up the whole Body, and made a Stand; upon which the Enemy likewise drew up in a Body, besides the Dykes lined with Indians, and parties scouting in the Woods, supposed to be upwards of 300, but they were not inclined to engage our Forces in an open Manner, th'with such a Number they might have done almost as they pleased. --- At high Water the two armVessels got in as near the Shore as they safely could, and covering each of the Flanks, sent their Boats ashore, and took or Men and carried them on board; the Vessels during the Embarkation, fired their Cannon and kept the Rebels off.--- Several of the Enemy were killed, but how many is uncertain. --- 253 Houses and Barns, besides the Mass House have been burnt.

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