
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Acadian Census for 1750-1751

List of Refugee Families
at Chedaik, at Point Beausejour and the Surrounding Area


Transcribers have often mistaken this census as one for 1732 because of an error on the microfilm.
Stephen White tells me there was no census in 1732.
This census is for 1750/1751.

The following is from Stephen White.
"Regarding your other question, I can assure you that there was no such thing as a 1732 census. This is just an error. The actual record is not dated. It is a list of refugees who came from the Beaubassin settlements on the English side of the border between the two Acadias that briefly existed in the early 1750's into the French-controlled area. I refer to it at the bottom of page liii of the DGFA. I do not date it 1751/1752, but rather a year earlier, 1750/1751. It must have been drawn up after the destruction of the church and village of Beaubassin during the summer of 1750. On the other hand, it mentions the family of Joseph Poirier and Ursule Renaud, who subsequently appear on île St-Jean in LaRoque's census (1752), where they say they had been living for a year, which means that the refugee list must have been drawn up by at least mid-1751, before Joseph and Ursule moved on. That is why I put the list down to 1750/1751. By the way, I think the bibliography of the first part of the DGFA is the most useful section of the whole work. People often ask me various things about the documentation, where records are found, whether the CEA has certain records, whether there are errors in some things, and so forth. The bibliography contains the answers to so many of these questions, although one has to know just where to find them."


Le Vieu [Old] Jean FOREST and his wife.
Alexandre FOREST, widower, with 4 children.
Jean FOREST, his wife, and 5 children.
Joseph FOREST, widower, and 7 children
Francois FOREST, his wife and 5 children.
Charles FOREST, his wife and 7 children.
Rene FOREST, his wife and 3 children.
Jacques FOREST, bachelor
Guillaume POIRIER, his wife and 6 children.
Pierre FOREST, his wife and 5 children.
Jean BLANCHART, his wife and 4 children.
Francoise LAPINCE, his wife and 5 children.
Pierre DOUARON, his wife and 3 children.
Pierre DOUARON, his wife and 7 children.
Charles-Bte FOREST, his wife and 4 children.
Germain FOREST, his wife and 1 child.
Pierre POIRIER, his wife and 3 children.
Jean-Augustin HEBERT, his wife and 3 children.
Philippe LAMBERT, widower.
Michel LAMBERT, his wife and 3 children.
Pierre LAMBERT, his wife and 1 child.
Joseph GARSO, his wife and 7 children.
Joseph DOUARON, his wife and 4 children.
Abraham CHIASSON, his wife and 9 children.
Joseph HEBERT, his wife and 6 children.
Jean DOUARON, his wife and 5 children.
Claude HEBERT, his wife and 2 children.
Joseph POIRIER, his wife and 6 children.
Olivier LANDRY, his wife and 1 child.


Jacques HEBERT, pere, [father or Sr.], his wife and 2 children.
Jacques HEBERT, fils [son or Jr.], his wife and 10 children.
Jean HEBERT, his wife and 1 child.
Paul ARSENEAU, his wife and 9 children.
Jean ARSENEAU, his brother and 2 sisters.
Le Vieu [Old] Joseph HEBERT, his wife and 1 child.
Jean HEBERT and his wife.
Francois HEBERT, his wife and 5 children.
Ambroise MELANCON, his wife and 7 children.
Jean POTIER, his wife and 7 children.
Le Vieu [Old] Pierre HEBERT, widower with 1 child.
Paul HEBERT, his wife and 1 child.
Jean HEBERT, pere [father or Sr.], his wife and 6 children
Jean HEBERT, fils [son or Jr.], and his wife.
Paul DOUARON, his wife and 1 child.
Pierre HEBERT, his wife and 9 children.
Pierre SIRE, his wife and 5 children.
Francois HEBERT, his wife and 7 children.
Jean BABIN, his wife and 2 children.
Paul TERRIOT, his wife and 6 children.


Bernard POIRIER, his wife and 7 children.
Michel POIRIER, his wife and 8 children.
Joseph POIRIER, his wife and 4 children.
Jean POIRIER, his wife and 3 children.
Claude POIRIER, his wife and 3 children.
Paul POIRIER, his wife and 3 children.
Paul BUGEAU, his wife and 4 children.
Agnes CORMIER, widow.
Joseph BOURG, his wife and 8 children.
Pierre HEBERT, his wife and 5 children.
Pierre POITIER, his wife and 6 children.
Benonis DOUCET, his wife and 4 children.
Paul DOIRON, his wife and 7 children.


Pierre DOUARON, his wife and 5 children.
Michel BERNARD, his wife and 9 children.
Pierre BOURG, his wife and 7 children.
Jean POIRIER, his wife and 5 children.
Jean BOURG, his wife and 8 children.
Michel RICHARD, his wife and 11 children.
Joseph RICHARD, his wife and 7 children.
Pierre RICHARD, his wife and 5 children.
Jean RICHARD, his wife and 5 children.
Le Vieu [Old] Joseph POIRIER, his wife and 5 children.
Paul POIRIER, his wife and 3 children.
Joseph POIRIER, fils [son or Jr.], and his wife.
Paul BOUDROT. his wife and 7 children.
Joseph CORMIER, his wife and 8 children.
Jean CORMIER, his wife and 4 children.
Marie CORMIER. widow with 3 children.
Pierre DOUCET, his wife and 8 children.
Michel DOUCET, his wife and 8 children.
Pierre DOUCET, Jr., his wife and 3 children.
Joseph POIRIER, his wife and 2 children.
Jean BERROIT [BENOIT], his wife and 2 children.
Marguerite CORMIER, widow.


Pierre CORMIER, his wife and 10 children.
Germain CORMIERS and his wife.
Alexis CORMIER, widower.
Le petit [Little] Pierre CORMIER, his wife and 1 child.
Francois CORMIER, his wife and 2 children.
Francois LEBLANC, his wife and 5 children.
Pre. [Pierre] CORMIER, dit Palette, his wife and 9 children.
Jean CORMIERS, his wife and 7 children.
Francois CORMIERS, his wife and 5 children.
Pierre THIBOUDAULT, his wife and 7 children.
Marie POIRIER, unmarried woman.
Joseph TERRIOT, his wife and 5 children.
Antoine LANDRY, his wife and 5 children.
Jean-Charles DUPUIS, his wife and 4 children.
Jacques BABIN, his wife and 3 children.
Claude BABIN. his wife and 3 children.
Jean SIRE, his wife and 7 children.
Pierre POIRIER, his wife and 3 children.


Francois LABAUVE, his wife and 3 children.
Francois LAPIERRE, his wife and 5 children.
Michel LAPIERRE, his wife and 9 children.
Joseph KESSY, his wife and 7 children.
Francois GIROUARD, his wife and 5 children.
Michel GIROUARD, widower with 7 children.
Jacques GIROUARD and his wife.
Germain GIROUARD and his wife.
Francois POIRIER, his wife and 4 children.
Le Vieu [Old] Claude GAUDET and his wife.
Claude GAUDET, fils [son or Jr.], his wife and 5 children.
Charles GAUDET, his wife and 7 children.
Anselme BOUDROT, his wife and 6 children.
Francois BOUDROT and his wife.
Ignace VIE, his wife and one child.


Michel BOURGEOIS, his wife and 6 children.
Pierre RICHARD, a widower with 5 children.
Pierre RICHARD, fils [son or Jr.], his wife and 1 child.
Paul SIRE, his wife and 5 children
Paul BOURGEOIS, a widower with 5 children.
Claude BOURGEOIS, his wife and 7 children.
Jean-Jacque BOURGEOIS, a widower with 3 children.

MEGAGOUESCH [Messagouache]

Pierre DERNIER, his wife and 4 children
Jacques MOUTON. his wife and 3 children.
Francois ARSENEAU, his wife and 6 children.
Abraham ARSENEAU, his wife and 1 child.
Marie SIRE, widow with 4 children.
Pierre GRAVOIS, his wife and 1 child.
Francois SIRE, widower with 3 children.
Jacques BOURGEOIS, his wife and 4 children.
Pierre ARSENEAU, his wife and 2 children.
Marie CHIASSON, widow.
Le Vieu [Old] Claude BOURGEOIS and his wife.
Michel BOURGEOIS, his wife and 3 children.
Charles HEON, his wife and 7 children.
Jean KESSY, his wife and 7 children.
Paul SIRE, widower with 7 children.
Olivier BOURGEOIS, widower with 2 children.
Pierre COTTARD, his wife and 4 children.
Jean MOUTON, his wife and 4 children.
Baptiste BOURGEOIS, his wife and 7 children.
Claude BOURGEOIS, bachelor.
Michel POIRIER, his wife and 3 children.
Francois BOUREL, his wife and 5 children.
Claude TENDON, his wife and 3 children.
Claude POIRIER, his wife and 6 children.
Marie KESSY, widow with 1 child.
Paul DENAU, his wife and 1 child.
Vincent DENAU, his wife and 5 children.
Claude KESSY, his wife and 1 child.
Jacques KESSY, his wife and 3 children.
Joseph ARSENAU, bachelor.
Anne BOUT, unmarried woman.
Jean ARSENEAU, his wife and 3 children.
Brele, his wife and 6 children.


Estienne LEBLANC, his wife and 2 children.
Rene LEBLANC, his wife and 6 children.
Marie LAPIERRE, widow with 7 children.
Charles RENAULD, his wife and 1 child.
Alexandre DAVID, his wife and 1 child.
Francois LEBLANC, his wife and 6 children.
Germain DOUCET, his wife and 4 children.
Andre LEBLANC, bachelor.
Joseph TERRIOT, bachelor.
Jean THIBAULT bachelor.
Jacques LAPIERRE, bachelor.


Jean-Bte. HEBERT, his wife and 7 children.
Pierre ARESTEQUI, his wife and 6 children.
Marie BOURG, widow.
Pierre BOUDROT his wife and 2 children.
Marguerite BERROIT [Benoit] widow with 8 children.
The original census can be found on microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada.

© Lucie LeBlanc Consentino
Acadian & French Canadian Ancestral Home
1998 - Present

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