
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Margaree, Cape Breton Census - August 1809

Census of Margaree in Cape Breton

by Father Lejamtel, Missionary
Dated August 1809

Joseph Cormier and Osithe Leblanc, his wife; Laurent, Henriette, Pélagie, Charlotte, Marguerite, Théotiste, Joseph, Pierre
Joseph Chiasson and Marguerite LeBlanc, his wife; Henriette, Luc, Isabelle, Dominique, Jean-Baptiste, Jean, Placide
Isidore Chiasson and Marie Madeleine LeBlanc, his wife; Marie-Modeste, Armand, Simon, Isidore, Isabelle, Charles, Marguerite
Prosper LeBlanc and Marguerite Poirier, his wife
Pierre Cormier and Félicité LeBlanc, his wife; Firmin, Edesse, Marie
Joseph LeBlanc and Martine Arsenaux, his wife.
Paul LeBlanc and Marguerite Haché, his wife.
Bénoni LeBlanc and Joseph Bourg, his wife; Euphrasine, widow of Lazare Doucet, Marie Jardin (domestic)
Jacques LeBlanc and Angéline LeBlanc, his wife; Catherine
Marguerite LeBlanc, widow of Joseph LeBlanc; Rufine, Anastasie, Marie, Suzanne (married), Joseph
Hilaire LeBlanc and Scolastique LeBlanc, his wife; Étienne, Célestin, Simon, Maturin, Paul, Charlotte
Charles Haché and Félicité Gautreau, his wife; Marthe, Maturin, Jacques, Simon, Euphrozine, Charles, Marie, Joseph, Pierre
Honoré Michel, widower of...
Felix Haché and Luce LeBlanc, his wife; Gilbert
Françoise Haché, widow of Jean Blanchard; Charles, Judith, Jean
Paul Doucet, widower of Félicité Michel; anne-Marguerite
Paul Doucet and Tarsilde LeBlanc, his wife; Martin, Simon, Marie
Marie Doucet, widow of Martin Larade; Marie, Madeleine, Félicité, Henriette, Pierre, Simon, Lazare, Barbe, Osithe, Joseph
Pierre Arsenaux and Marie LeBlanc, his wife; Luc, Barbe, Simon, Madeleine, Thaddée, Anne, Mélanie, Angélique, Suzanne
Jean-Baptiste LeBlanc and Marguerite Bourg, his wife; Honoré, Jean, Angélique
Paul Daigle and Osithe Arsenaux, his wife, widow of Simon LeBlanc; Bibiane LeBlanc, Ursule, Daigle (mentally defective), Nicolas Daigle
François LeBlanc and Osothe LeBlanc, his wife; Marie
Marguerite Daigle, widow of Jean-Baptiste Chavary; Prosper, Jean, Ester, Isidore, Firmin, Simon
Ange Muce and Ursule Chavary, his wife; Pierre, Charles
Madeleine Bourg, widow of Barthélémy Muce; Marie, Françoise, Pierre, Sifroy, Rosalie
Isabelle Boudrot, widow of Guillaume Cormier; Urbain, Guillaume, Isidore, Jean, Anne-Marie, Marie-Modeste
Marin LeBlanc and Marie Cormier, his wife; Marie, Céléste, Luce
Germain LeBlanc and Madeleine Cormier, his wife
Lazare LeBlanc and Théotiste Cormier, his wife; Polycarpe, Dominique, Henriette
Jean Chiasson and Anastasie Cormier, his wife; David, Germain, Basile
Bénoni LeBlanc and Marguerite Cormier, his wife; Sophie, François, Julien, Suzanne, Placide
Basile Cormier and Marguerite Arsenaux, his wife.
Georges LeBlanc and Marie Doucet, his wife; Madeleine, Hélène, Georges, Lazare
Simon LeBlanc and Scolastique Doucet, his wife; Charles
Charles LeBlanc and Apolline Cormier, his wife; Germain, Charles
Bertrand Deraspe and Marie LeBlanc, his wife; Françoise, Bertrand
Jacques Moore and Flore McNeill, his wife; Catherine


  • Joseph Ryan and Elizabeth Darabie, his wife; Basile, Joseph, Brigitte, Marie, Jean, Catherine, Thomas, Louise

    Source for Margaree Census: Archives of Archbishop of Québec, Nova Scotia, VII-22
    Secondary source: Chéticamp by Father Anselme Chiasson - ISBN 1-895415-29-2.

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    Lucie LeBlanc Consentino
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    1. Hi Lucie. I just discovered your blog and all I can say is WOW!!! This is such a fabulous post and I SO enjoyed reading about the Metis and the census. Merci beaucoup for all of your research and all of the great links! Hope you have a Happy Easter and Spring!

    2. Hi Marguerite,

      I also have information for Louisiana on my web site at:


