
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Will the Dictionnaire généaloique des familles acadiennes by Stephen A. White go online?

Will the Dictionnaire généaloique des familles acadiennes by Stephen A. White go online? Perhaps. I received this message from Stephen this morning: "The Université de Moncton is in fact at this time actively considering making its genealogical database available online for consultation on a subscription basis. No details are available at the moment, but there will be adequate publicity for the project in due course, if it does go forward. It must be noted that while the database is co-extensive with the entire Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (1636-1780), it is not fully documented like the Dictionnaire and does not include any of the Dictionnaire's explanatory notes."

What a boon this would be to be able to subscribe online for access to this marvelous database! Here is hoping it will be approved. Stay tuned! I will pass on information about this as I receive it.

I am also taking a poll. How many of you would subscribe to the database should be be online?

All Rights Reserved
Acadian Ancestral Home Blog
Lucie LeBlanc Consentino


  1. This would be a great addition to home researching.I know I would use it often to be sure my earlier research is correct or complete.

  2. I would definitely subscribe.

  3. I would probably subscribe too Lucie.

  4. I would definitely subscribe! It would be a wonderfully useful resource.
