Sunday, December 02, 2007

Dear Cousins and Friends, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It is so hard to believe that Christmas is just a few weeks away. Well even if my Christmas shopping isn't done I have all of the lights and decorations set up out-of-doors. In spite of all that work I have been very busy adding many mtDNA results and lineages to my web site Acadian Ancestral Home If you want to see the results just click on mtDNA Proven Origins at the top of the sidebar. I have also added a page that explains Haplogroups. I still have more mtDNA results to post but we are verifying the maternal lineages on those. They'll be up soon though with others who tell me they have been tested. So lots of interesting happenings.

The surviving parish registers for Grand-Pre and Beaubassin have also been added to the web site and my goodness the traffic has been unbelievable to access those records.

Very dedicated volunteers continue to index the cemetery pages on my web site. They are just such a wonderful group and I am very fortunate to know these wonderful "cousins."

By the way, I had a commented posted asking me for permission to use all of the information on the George Charles LeBlanc page. I am pleased that you asked but honestly, I must say no. that is the page I have dedicated to may father. So unless you and I are closely related you will hopefully understand the position I have taken. If you want to take this up with me please send me a message to LucieMC at - addressing the message appropriately with the @ instead of at ;o)

This evening we are expecting a snow storm. Yesterday we prepared the snow blower and shovels and we have battened down the hatches as we say here in New England.

I think of all of you often and hope you keep well during this busy holiday season.

Hugs to all,

Your cousin Lucie

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