Monday, November 20, 2006

As of yesterday, I have uploaded almost 5,000 photos of tombstones from several cemeteries in New Brunswick. I am most grateful to Hector Boudreau, his wife Jeanita (LeBlanc) and Francis LeBlanc of Moncton who have spent all those hours taking these great photos. I believe that posting them to the Internet allows me to share their great work.

Today, Hector put another 9 parishes of cemetery photos in the mail to me. Yes, those cds represent another nine cemeteries they have photographed! Aren't they great?

I believe that more is accomplished when we an pool our resources and work together in our quest to disseminate
information to others. This should be a huge help to so many people. You all know that in most cases the tombstones reveal the date of birth as well as the date of death. The other plus is that for those who will never be able to visit the Maritimes this should be a handy research tool.

So stay tuned - lots more good "stuff" coming in your way.

I have now divided the Shediac cemetery into nine "pages". It was taking too long to load 1,000 thumbnails on one page [of course!].

So enjoy and do come visit us often!

Your Acadian cousin,


1 comment:

Maggie said...

Thank you for taking the time to put together this great resource of information! It will take time to read through everything, but this is one of the more comprehensive works I have yet seen. :)

I would like to bring to your attention an Acadian center in LaChaussé France. It appears that nearly 3/4 of our families come from this area alone. It was an interesting place to visit and I hope that I will be able to go back someday.

Regarding the mtDNA tests, recently on Nova there was a program that claimed that some of the First Nation tribes of the North Eastern shores can be traced back to France. It is believed that they came over 30-40 thousand years ago at the end of an ice age. Adding to the credibility of the find, these tribes also have an unusual spear/arrowhead that is only found in a certain region of France. If this is the case, then is it possible that these two groups are of the same U6a spoken of in the mtDNA section that is found both in France and in some Eastern aboriginal tribes?

Thank you again for this wonderful site!

Regards from Arizona,

Marguerite Robichaud-Richard

(originally from New Brunswick, Canada)