- 1671 Acadian Census
- 2009
- 2009 - We will never forget
- 2010
- A few thoughts about my pet Whisper
- A Golden Anniversary Celebration
- A History of the Consentino Family Musicians - Part II
- A History of the Consentino Family Musicians - Part III
- A History of the Consentino Family Musicians Part I
- A postcard tells a story about "Theater Row"
- A preview of Sarah and Corey's Wedding
- A Soldier’s Story: A new view of the Deportation
- AAH Policy
- Acadia
- Acadian Census for 1750-1751
- Acadian Deportation of 1755
- Acadian Families at Belle-Ile-en-Mer
- Acadian History - by Placide Gaudet
- Acadian Migration to Port Toulouse 1714-1735
- Acadian migration to Quebec to New England
- Acadian Patriots Who Fought In The American Revolution - Part III
- Acadian Patriots who fought in the American Revolution Part II
- Acadian Place Names Yesterday and Today
- Acadian Remembrance Day - December 13
- Acadian Remembrance Day 2009
- Acadian Survival in New England
- Acadian Villages 1630 to 1755
- Acadian Villages 1630s to 1755
- Acadians Deported from Beaubassin
- Acadians Die at Sea in 1758 Deportation
- Acadians Exiled to Andover
- Acadians Exiled to Chelmsford
- Acadians Exiled to Guilford
- Acadians Who Fought In The Amerrican Revolution
- ACGS Fall Conference September 26th
- Amanuensis Monday - City Directories
- Ancestor Approved Award
- Are you a Blog "Follower"?
- Are You Your Own Grandpa?
- Beaubassin
- Before the wedding on Sunday...
- Blessings of Easter be yours
- Bread and Roses Strike of 1912 - Labor Protest - Lawrence
- Cape Breton Census - August 1809
- CBC - Radio-Canada Television mtDNA Interviews
- Cemetery: St
- Census of Acadia 1750/1751
- Christmas 2008
- Church of New Brunswick
- CMA2009 - Congrès Mondial Acadien - World Congress of Acadians
- Come meet all your cousins at CMA 2009
- Connecticut
- Connecticut 1756
- Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy - R.I.P.
- Excerpts from the Nova Scotia Archives Regarding the Acadians
- Expulsion Orders by Governor Charles Lawrence
- Expulsion Orders of the Acadians
- Family reunions: you meet the nicest people
- Family Tree mtDNA Special Offer
- Flag Day June 14
- Founding Mothers of Acadia mtDNA Project
- France and England and so much more happening
- Grand-Pré
- Grand-Pré Deportees - 2 September 1755
- Halloween has come and gone..
- Happy Canada Day - 2009
- Happy Thanksgiving 2007
- Happy Thanksgiving 2008
- Happy Thanksgiving 2009 to all our family and friends
- History of Lawrence
- I'm going to CMA2009
- In 1632 Acadia is officially recognized asWhen was Acadia officially recognized as a possession of France?
- Independence Day - Fourth of July 2009
- Interpreting Marriage Dispensations
- ISOGG - Genographic Project ends in 2010
- It's beginning to look like Christmas
- Jean-Baptiste dit Gros Jean Doiron
- John Winslow's Journal at Grand-Pré
- Last Call - Please vote for the Acadian and French-Canadian Ancestral Home
- Lazy hazy days of summer - then there is CMA2009
- Lecture at NEHGS and Christmas Pops
- Let's Jazz at CMA 2009
- Let's Help the Haiti Relief Fund
- List of Founding Mothers of Acadia and mtDNA
- Liste of the Neutral French remaining in Pennsylvania
- Looking forward to CMA 2009 - Bourq/LeBlanc/Melason Reunion
- Lucie's Legacy is launched
- Mama and Me
- Margaree
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts 1755-1760
- Massachusetts 1757
- Massachusetts Immigrant Communities
- Massachusetts Society of Genealogists - Merrimack Valley Chapter
- Merry Christmas 2009
- Merry Christmas One And All
- Mom and Theo
- More mtDNA results added
- More New Brunswick Cemetery Headstones
- Mothers of Acadia - Pioneers in a New Land
- Mothers of Acadia mtDNA Project
- Mothers of Acadia mtDNA Project goals and names
- MS
- mtDNAPlus test - Family Tree DNA Special
- My Descendancy from Marie Mi'kmaq wife of Jean Roy dit Laliberté
- My French-Canadian Grandparents
- My hometown: Methuen
- My mtDNA Results
- Métis History
- Names of Deportees from Grand-Pré in 1755
- New Brunswick Cemeteries
- New England Historical and Genealogical Society
- New mtDNA results - and a correction
- Nothing like the Pops - Christmas Memories...
- Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia Archives Regarding the Acadians 1719-1742
- Ode To Our Mothers
- One thousand Acadians lost at sea in 1758
- Operations at Fort Beauséjour and Grand-Pré in 1755: A Soldier’s Diary by
- Order of Deportation of the Acadians
- Papa and Me
- Paying for web space
- Pemberton Mills Disaster of 1850 - Lawrence
- Peter Parish
- Picon - Thomas Pichon
- Pisiguit - Unearthed
- Please vote for my blog
- PORT ROYAL - 1604-1710
- Proclamation - Deportation Order of 1755
- Profile Interview: Lucie LeBlanc Consentino by Caroline A. LeBlanc
- Rachel [Raquel] del Castillo
- Radio Canada Television comes to Methuen
- Sarah and Corey's Bridal Shower
- Searching for my Acadian roots.
- September 11th
- Should others pay for someone's web space?
- Sieur de Monts
- Sincere thanks to other pet owners for their support.
- Sincere thanks for the Kreativ Blogger Award
- So what is DNA and mtDNA all about?
- Some Acadians Exiled to Massachusetts - 1755-1763
- Some Records of the British Government Regarding the Acadians 1736-1749
- Speaking at CMA 2009 - LeBlanc Reunion
- Speaking Schedule - 2011
- St-Charles-des-Mines Cemetery
- St-Jehan Passsenger List of 1636
- St-Jehan Ship's List
- Ste-Famille Cemetery
- Stephen A. White - Finalist for the Archange-Godbout Award
- Stephen White. Sarah's wedding
- The Acadian Diaspora of 1755
- The Company of Frenchmen in the County of Cumberland
- The Founding of Acadia Pierre de Guast
- The Massachusetts Towns where the Acadians lived in Exile
- The Order of Deportation - 1755 - Grand-Pré
- The Rose Blogger Award
- the Spy of Beausejour
- The Wars to take Acadia - Part I
- The Wars To Take Acadia - Part II
- Theo and Mémère
- To Mom and Dad - September 1st
- Veterans Day - November 11
- Veterans Day - November 11th
- Water
- water everywheret and not a drop to drink
- We remember... Memorial Day 2009
- West Pubnico
- What is the mtDNA or Mitochondrial Test?
- When I was a Kid...
- Where is that Indian Princess Hiding
- Will the Dictionnaire généaloique des familles acadiennes by Stephen A. White go online?
- Zazzle