Tuesday, January 05, 2010

1678 Acadian Census

Deceased Father Clarence J. d'Entremont's translation and interpretation of the Acadian Census of 1678 was published in the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review in Spring issue, Volume II, No. 1, 1979 on pages 47-66. (At the time, Father d'Entremont was living in Fairhaven, Massachusetts.)

Father d'Entremont correlated the census records and estimated the birth dates of each child in this census. Father d'Entremont's footnotes as to the origin of each child are quite extensive and could not be added to this page though they will perhaps be added to another page as an addendum to this information in the future. However, it should be said that the years that Father d'Entremont assigns to each child did not appear in the actual census but certainly facilitates an understanding of the census itself.

He further ascertains that in comparing the census of 1671 to the census of 1686, that this census was possibly taken in the latter part of 1678, but more likely in the early part of 1679.


Francois Gauterot
Bastien Brun, 1 boy/ly, 2 cattle, 1 gun
10 barrels La Ramee
25 cattle
6 acres Les Voizins 8 Strangers
La Verdure 2 113 over 15 years
90 men - 69 guns - 55 families - 149 boys and 119 girls
Marriageable - 610 (?) horned cattle - 237 acres - 200
sheep - 500 pigs

Sans Soucy 29, 1 acre of high land, bordering at one end on the river, at the other end on the North wood [and] on one side Anthoine Hébert [and] Denis Godet.

6 acres at Port Royal, [,]Lyon Rampa[n]t[,] bordering on Germain then on the meadow and the p[etite] R[ivière] then on Renée Landry.

3 acres at gros Cap [bordering] on Claude Terriot [and] Bernabé Martin at the road then at the river, 260 frontage.

Martin Dugast & Marguerite Petit Pas
12 acres 16 cattle 1 gun
1 boy

Charles Boudrot and Renée Bourg
9 cattle - 1 gun
2 boys....5........1673
......... 4........1674
2 girls...3........1675

Bonaventure Térriot Jeanne Boudrot
1 acre - 7 cattle - 1 gun
3 girls...10........1668

Michel Broudrot and Michelle Aucoin
12 acres - 10 cattle - 3 guns
5 boys.....22........1656

Abraham Dugast and Marguerite Doucet
12 acres - 20 cattle - 1 gun
1 boy......18........1660
2 girls....15........1663

Pierre Doucet and Henriett Pelletret
1 1/2 acres - 10 cattle -1 gun
5 boys.....17........1661
2 girls....10........1668

Anthoine Bourg & Thoinette Landry
3 acres 6 cattle 1 gun
1 boy 10 1660
1 girl 11 1667

The Widow Joffreau
Laurans Granger Marie Landry
4 acres 6 cattle 1 gun
4 boys 9 1669
6 1672
4 1674
2 1676
1 girl 11 1667

Philippe Myus
1 girl 10 1668
Jacques Myus Abraham Myus Anne
1 girl 1 1677
9 acres 12 cattle

Martin Bourg Marie Potet
4 cattle 1 gun
1 boy 6/M 1678
1 girl 3 1675

Bernard Bourg Francoise Brun
8 beasts 1 acre 1 gun
1 boy 3 1675
4 girls 8 1670
5 1673
4 1674
2 1676

Clem. Bertrand & Hugette Lambelot 60 years

Pierre Comeau Widower
Pierre 18 1660
Jean 14 1664
Anthoine 17 1661
Jeanne 16 1662
12 cattle 1 compass 4 oxen 14 acres

Jean Comeau & Francoise Hebert
3 children
1 cow 1 calf

Estienne Rivet & Marie Commau
2 cattle
1 girl

Pierre Comeau & Jeanne Bourg
2 cattle
1 girl

Francois Girouer Jeanne Aucoin
15 acres 18 cattle
Germain Girouer 22 1657

Ollvier Daigre Marie Godet
6 boys the oldest 12 years 1666
2 girls 2 years 1676
St Cristoffe at the Ste Marie Brook
4 acres 6 cattle

Jacq La Prence & Marguerite Hebert
1 girl
4 acres 9 cattle

Jean Hebert Single
2 acres 8 cattle

Dominiq Garrau & Marie Godet
Jean Godet
1 boy 3 1675
The girl 4 years 1674
3 acres 8 cattle

Estienne Commau Marianne Lefevre
2 acres 12 cattle
1 boy 4 1674
2 girls 7 1671
2 1676

Anthoine Babin & Marie Mercier
1 acre --4 cattle & 2 sheep
3 boys 15 1663
13 1665
3 1675
6 girls 11 1667
9 1669
7 1671
5 1673
3/M 1678

Manuel Hebert Single 25 years 1 cow
Michel Forest Widower
4 acres 3 cows & 2 calves 1 gun
4 boys 12 1666
10 1668
8 1670
3 1675
2 girls 6 1672
4 1674

Jaques Bourgeois & Jeanne Trahan
20 acres 15 cattle
2 girls 15 1663
12 1666

Renee Le Blanc & Anne Bourgeois

The widow Gougeon
6 cattle
2 boys 11 1667
8 1670
1 girl 6 1672

Jean Pitre & Marie Pesselet
2 acres & 2 cows
4 boys 10 1668
5 1673
3 1675
1 1677
2 girls 14 1664
11 1667

Daniel LeBlanc Francoise Godet
12 cattle & 12 acres
3 boys 20 1658
17 1661
15 1663


Anthoine Hebert & Geneviefve Le Fran
Jac Le Blanc Catherine Hebert
2 & 2 cattle 30 sheep
Jean Hebert Marye Doucet
1 boy 1 1677
20 cattle 10 acres

Philippe Rimbault & Catherine Hebert
1 cow & 4 acres of land

Renee Rimbault & Anne Marie
Land 4 acres 7 cattle
4 girls 19 1659
12 1666
8 1670
6 1672
1 boy 7 1671

Onis Godet Widower
Pierre Godet Marie Blanchard
4 acres 6 cattle
2 boys 3 1675
5/M 1678

Jean Blanchard & Radegonde Lambert
Guilleaume Blanchard Hugette Gougeon
6 acres 17 cattle 1 gun
2 boys 3 1675
6/M 1678
1 girl 5 1675

Francois Gautreau & Aymee LeJeune
6 acres 6 cattle
2 boys 20 1658
18 1660

Guillaume Trahan Madelenne Brun
4 acres 6 cattle
3 boys 10 1668
8 1670
7 1670
3 girls 6 1672
5 1673
4 1674

Michel du Peux Marie Gautrot
2 acres 6 cattle
3 boys 14 1664
9 1669
5 1673
1 girl 1 1677

Claude Terriot Marie Gautrot
3 acres 5 cattle
3 boys 16 1662
9 1669
1 1677
4 girls 14 1664
12 1666
8 1670
4 1674

Martin Benoist Labriere Marie Chaussegros
2 boys 5 1673
2 1676
2 girls 7 1671
1 1677

Germain Savoye Marie Beraud
4 acres 4 cattle

Pierre Godet Lesne Anne Blanchard
3 acres 4 cattle
3 boys 6 1672
4 1674
2 1676

Laurans Godin Anne Blanchard
1 boy 1 1677
3 acres

Folio 20

Vincelot Beraud Marie Bourg
3 acres 5 cattle
4 boys 12 1666
9 1669
7 1671
4 1674
2 girls 11 1667
8 1670

Vincent Brun Widower
Bastien Brun & Huguette Bourg
1 boy 1 1677
1 girl 2 1676
6 acres 8 cattle

Pierre Thibaudeau Jeanne Terriot
12 acres 30 cattle
3 boys 11 1669
7 1671
5 1673
5 girls 12 1666
8 1670
4 1674
3 1675
1 1677

Pierre Terriot Cecile Landry
4 acres 4 cattle

Pierre Le Jeune Marie Thibaudeau
3 acres 4 cattle

Rene Landry Marie Bernard
20 cattle & 22 acres
4 boys 17 1661
14 1664
5 1673
2 1676
6 girls 15 1663
13 1665
11 1667
3 1675
1 1677

The Widow Pesselet
Francois Levron Catherine Savoye
1 boy 1 1677

Pierre Martin Anne [Godin]
8 cattle 4 acres
4 boys 22 1656
11 1667
7 1671
6 1672
3 girls 5 1673
3 1675
6/M 1678

Pierre Vincent
15 cattle 8 acres
4 boys 13 1665
11 1667
9 1669
7 1671
2 girls 15 1663
10 1668

Marie Sale Widow of Jean Claude
Francois Bourg Marguerite Boudrot
8 acres 15 cattle
2 boys 13 1665
8 1670
3 girls 10 1668
5 1673
1 1677

Bernabe Martin Jeanne Pelletret
4 beasts 6 acres
2 boys 7 1671
8/M 1678
4 girls 10 1668
6 1672
4 1674
2 1676

Estienne Robichau Francoise Boudrot
1 acre 19 cattle
4 boys 12 1666
9 1669
4 1674
1 1677
2 girls 15 1663
6 1672

Jean Labat & Renee Gautrot
10 acres 16 cattle

Rene Landry & Perrine Bourg
1 acre 10 cattle
2 boys 20 1658
15 1663
1 girl 23 1655

(from Lucien Comeaux, 08/24/93, 22:27cdt)

E Pellerin Jeanne Savoye
1 acre 4 cattle
2 girls 2 1676
6/M 1678

Francois Brossard & Catherine Richard
5 cattle

Michel Richard & Madeleine Blanchard

Germain Doucet & Marie Landry
5 boys 15 1663
10 1668
8 1670
5 1673
3 1675
1 girl 3 1675
3 acres & 6 cattle

Michel Richard
10 acres 21 cattle
4 boys 22 1656
19 1659
13 1665
10 1668
5 girls 8 1670
8 1670
6 1672
3 1675
1 1677

Michel Boudrot at the brook of brother Joseph Tirat at the southeast at Maitre Abraham to the River Au Seigneur 2 Leagues

On the first page of the census, (folio 17), are to be found a lot of figures and additions. What follows is noteworthy:

François Gauterot

Bastien Brun, 1 boy/1y, 2 cattle, 1 gun
10 barrels La Ramée
25 cattle
6 acres Les Voisins 8 strangers
La Verdure 2 113 over 15 years
90 men - 69 guns - 55 families - 149 boys and 199 girls Marriageable -
610(?) horned cattle - 237 acres - 200 sheep - 500 pigs.

We have already met François Gautreau in folio 19v and Sebastien Brun in folio 20. The latter is said here to have a son one year old and 2 cattle; in folio 20 he is given also a daughter, 2 years old, and 8 cattle.

With regard to La Ramée, he was Charles Melanson, the son of Pierre Laverdure, senior, and of Pricilla; he had married around 1663 Marie Dugas, daughter of Abraham Dugas. He had a brother, Pierre, who had married around the same time Marie Mius d'Entremont, daughter of Philippe Mius d'Entremont and of Madeleine Hélie. He is often mentioned as LaVerdure, after his father. although there were a certain number of Acadians to whom this name was given, the La Verdure of our census most probably applies to him.. It is strange that these two prominent families of Port-Royal are not recorded elsewhere in the census.

We do not know what the words Les Voizins, but probably for Les Voisins, (The neighbors), stand for.

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Lucie LeBlanc Consentino
Acadian & French-Canadian Ancestral Home
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Teena in Toronto said...

Lots of great info!

Happy blogoversary!

Hortist said...

amazing :)

Lucie LeBlanc Consentino said...

Thank you for your comments. It is my hope that these posts will help many Acadian researchers.